Sunday, September 2, 2007

Gears of Peace

My 360 collection has swollen overnight. Games I know own include: Bioshock, Gears of War, Oblivion, Lego Star Wars 2 (oh so cute) and Pacman CE (this could be my favourite game). Each one is a winner. OGN delivered them last night. Plus he is interested in a bankie of gervis finely ground. A stupid Yank last night wanted me to play through the entire gears of war campaign with him. I mean come on now??? Are achievements so highly coverted that one will waste and entire 6 hours online? Maybe... I'm just glad its working online without the MSN ban. Joy seems happier btw. I feel happier. Even if I do not have a chick myslef at the moment. Still, depro has gone and a shiny vuka is in its place. Yes lords and ladies I have me a mode of transportation. It rides fairly well and there are still some road nerves, but in the end I will be a pro. A pro I tell you.