Tuesday, May 20, 2008

PS3 and the shit it is.

Haze was touted as being "teh number 1 HardC0re shooter for the Ps3" and now it has been justly awarded a 4.5/10 from IGN , a well trusted video-gaming website. I could see myself how awful and generic it looked from the screen shots and the video's of game play I watched over its development. This is just another nail in the entertainment coffin for Sony [added bonus: it is coffin shaped]. Not that it needs another. Why have so many of this shit-burgers been sold? Is it purely for the Blu-ray functionality that the 360 sorely lacks or is it for the fan boys and girls out there who still desperately want to believe in a Sony product after being faithful supporters for years upon years? I say neither. Sony just wants your money. They don't give a flying fuck about oh say THE GAMES! The 360 has now triple the software the PS3 and counting. Don't give me that glib excuse either about, "Oh but it quality over quantity". WRONG AGAIN! Not counting Ratchet and Clank and Resistance: Fall of Man [two big name titles from the same developer's] the PS3 only has 360 Ports to keep it company such as Oblivion and GTA4. Fuck you, you massive wally of a poser Sony. Your machine is shit.

The 360 launched into its first year of life with stunner's such as Gears of War, Oblivion, Dead Rising and others. Lets not forget BioShock and Mass Effect. The online play is legend and the Graphics, sound and gameplay are simply unmatched. The PS3 will one day become a threat to Microsoft and its white machine of love, but in the meantime Sony can fuck off and die.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I only post when I am sad. I don't know what to say to this conundrum here. I can either work till 10pm every night at the Q, or quit or Relocate to another Q in another country. Some tough choices. As long as Judi is with me I will be fine.