Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Its easy to leave your job. Give them a minutes notice and then don't show up for work the next day. My work at the Q was meaningless. Slaving long hours away from my Judi just to fulfill the needs of the rich and useless. My patience reached its zenith one week ago and now I am working as a chief copywriter for a fantastic media company. There are no words to describe how much better I feel about myself. The pay remains the same but the work keeps my brain intact and demands only effort, not physical fortitude. Writing is what I was born to do and I exact a career out of its wet, meaty shell.

I hope that Q is suffering now, but their staff turnover is high and I doubt my absence has knocked them out of their insufferable tempo. Mark my words, I will never participate in a customer service related position ever again. I have had my fill of sucking cock for a living. I will be leaving at 5pm today and man, what a treat that is. The weather is warm now and the sun shines happily outside my office window as I compose this entry. Judi is in parliament now, unfortunately for her she still needs to grovel a bit to the Man but she makes more then I do so all is forgiven :)

GTA 4 was an abominable piece of shit. Too short, too easy and too little to do inside its "sandbox" world. It was as if they had the technology but they forgot to add the fun. I do not have Xbox live anymore so I cant test the multiplayer option, yet I know that running around aimlessly inside the ghost town of Liberty city can't be all the appeassing. Lets pray Unreal Torunament 3 provides me with the happiness I so crave. Until Gears of war 2 that is.

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